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Friday, May 27, 2011

Just as I promised heres some of the sketches from my sketchbook for Assignment One. As for my other projects, the graphic novel is coming underway, I am close to finishing having printed draft copies of the final design, I am just unsure as to whether I want to colour my images or not, Assignment Two I have made up a brief sketchbook with some basic ideas but until the graphic novel is finished I will be benching the character design for now.

Ink and Pen observations

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Assignment Two

Digital Design Assignment One has been handed in successfully as of last Friday, this Friday is the deadline for the Assignment two research book. Assignment two is character design based upon either a piece of literature, sonnet or lyric, I have opted for lyrics and chosen the song "To Holmgard and Beyond - Turisas". The aim is to have around 4 - 8 designs done by the final deadline so I better get started with some drafts.

Far beyond the sea and distant lands
Came men with thirty ships
Had wanted to reach the Neva by night
But the weather was not on their side

And as the wind grew stronger and stronger
The rain ran down our cheeks
The bow was turned towards Gardar
The sail flew up again

That's where the winds will us guide
For fame and for gold
Set sail for those lands unknown

Osmo and Dalk, Kyy, Kokko and Ulf
Were glad to be off the oars
Turo had eaten too much again
Now hanging himself overboard

The Tostensson twins were excited as always
Adventure was their game
Myself, Hakon the Bastard
was out to find my name

Holmgard and beyond
That's where the winds will us guide
For fame and for gold
Set sail for those lands unknown

Who is "I" without a past?
A river without a source?
An event without a cause?

Threads of different lengths
Some longer, some shorter
So many of them spun together

The crones keep on weaving
The algorithm of our lives
Cause and effect, the fates of men

We know the way to Aldeigju
Upstream the river Alode
You take us to the portage
And further [South]

Long is the way to the unknown
Long are the rivers in the East
Far lies the land that Ingvar
And his men desire to reach

Many dangers lie ahead
Some of us may never return
Rather sold as a slave to the Saracens
Than chained to your bed, chained by your life!

Holmgard and beyond
That's where the winds will us guide
For fame and for gold
Set sail for those lands unknown

Friday, May 06, 2011

Photoshop Empire - Final Design

After having a lengthy period of thought, with the same ideas coming and going, it suddenly hit me, what's more unreal than an entire fictional universe with its own races, laws of physics and elements! Thinking this way I decided to base the image on a game, after a couple of vague plans from the likes of Gears of War to Warcraft I finally settled with a choice. It may be obvious to many at first glance.
Shinra Empire
The game influencing the design is of course Final Fantasy 7, as can be seen by use of the Shinra Logo, Meteor and the Lifestream (which took the longest to do as the logo was converted to 3d which slowed down rendering times significantly). Both my final designs will be getting printed and handed in for marking later today, and because I finished them a day early I should by rights get an early leave tomorrow!
*In addition: I personally enjoy the lit bulbs across the tower

Thursday, May 05, 2011

Ai Empire - Final Image

As of about 15 mins ago I finished the final design of the Empire in Ai, next up is a Photoshop version following the title "make the impossible real" which I have interpreted as do whatever you want.
The Empire Theatre (Ai, May 2011, Lewis Ross)

Friday Deadline

Project one of my Digital Design elective is coming to a close and as such the Empire is approaching completion. As luck would have it I have found out my Photoshop image will be due in by the end of Friday also but that shouldn't be a problem as I am half way through colouring my Ai image and have the day tomorrow free (except for voting). Anyway here is the final design of the Empire Tower framework, and below it where I am up to with the Live paint. Now I am going to give it a rest for tonight as it is 2:08am and need to spend the whole day on this tomorrow.
The pen tool in all it's glory

Live Paint in process

Image being worked on

Sunday, May 01, 2011

It's getting there . . .

Just a quick update of the work in progress, I've been spending a couple hours a day on it for most of the week with the inevitable distraction at fixed intervals, but I am proud to say the frame work is nearing it's completion. Once it has been drawn out it will simply be a case of filling the spaces with colour using the eyedropper tool (hopefully) and perhaps reduce the stroke lines to 0pts width. If all goes well I'll have an impressive final piece to hand in on the upcoming Friday.