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Friday, May 06, 2011

Photoshop Empire - Final Design

After having a lengthy period of thought, with the same ideas coming and going, it suddenly hit me, what's more unreal than an entire fictional universe with its own races, laws of physics and elements! Thinking this way I decided to base the image on a game, after a couple of vague plans from the likes of Gears of War to Warcraft I finally settled with a choice. It may be obvious to many at first glance.
Shinra Empire
The game influencing the design is of course Final Fantasy 7, as can be seen by use of the Shinra Logo, Meteor and the Lifestream (which took the longest to do as the logo was converted to 3d which slowed down rendering times significantly). Both my final designs will be getting printed and handed in for marking later today, and because I finished them a day early I should by rights get an early leave tomorrow!
*In addition: I personally enjoy the lit bulbs across the tower

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