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Monday, August 01, 2011

Apologies, here's an update

This is a very very overdue blog update, just over 2 months since my last post, so ill quickly sum up how life's been since my last projects. First off, I've passed my first year of Illustration and Design! However they lost my marks for a presentation I did for the class and so originally stated I was missing work and failed, luckily that's been sorted thanks to some hounding. Second, I have done very little work since, infact I have not wanted to do any art till now because frankly I felt a little sick of it but I've decided that I've lounged for long enough and have begun drawing again. Today I had practice with inks for the first time since my book cover project very early in the year and im glad to say I found it incredibly enjoyable, especially when a few friends were showing interest and keeping up with my progress. Im going to try and make a new piece, or just practice a bit of drawing every 2 days or so if time allows for it. So anyway here's what I did today for you all to have a look at.  

I originally planned on a clean blade and blood spewing
round pouring over the skull to bend reality a bit

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