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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Impact of Inequality

Our latest project we are engaged in (excluding printmaking project two, in progress) is to design the cover for a book that is to be republished in the near future. It's title, wait for it, "The Impact of Inequality:How to make sick societies healthier". At first we weren't given the full title of the book (something usually gets left out till weeks later) so initially I drafted up this little image.
Needless to say, it's terrible, I soon realised it was far to cliché and so did many of my peers who were helpful enough to point out, also it's generally displeasing to the eye. But do not fret I had a far greater idea following a warm up project we were issued to do with illustrating the NATO phonetic alphabet.

Original Sketch

Messing around

Final Image
This I find fits perfectly with what the book is all about, as it explains how lower classes suffer due to upper and middle readily 'excluding' them from society and how it creates what's known as the social gap (I haven't read it myself but did look into a few synopsis'). The back cover has been looking bare however so I also threw this little piece together just to tuck into the corner and add some colour.

Back Cover
After some filtering, burning and colour alteration I added it to the document in InDesign and finished what I think may well be the final piece that I will hand in.

Final Piece

Amy Johnson

A renowned female pilot/engineer who broke many world records such as fastest flight times. For printmaking project one we were given a list of famous people from Nelson Mandela to Amy Winehouse, and given the task of choosing one, researching their life and creating a 2 colour print representing their character, ideals and any significant events. 
Stencil of Print
I designed this using Photoshop to print out and trace to acetate and then transfer to a silk screen using light sensitive emulsion. I have no final prints to upload as of yet but they have been produced and will be added to the post when scanned in.
Plane - Named Jason by herself, every plane that followed was also called Jason
Ring - Was proposed to mid flight by a fellow co pilot after having only first met less than 8 hours earlier
Wrench - For her remarkable engineering skills at a young age

What happened next?

The second project, following the running theme of inequality and social injustice, the class gap and the general concept of 'being labelled scum in Britain' (there's alot of this occurs this term), we each were told to produce a poster based off a quote from David Cameron.
"Let me be clear"
My idea behind this poster was to incorporate as much British imagery as possible, so as to send the message "It concerns you if you are in this country". As this was a poster design in favour of human rights I chose to use a boot signifying someone trying to 'stamp out' the rights of another. The tape wrapping around the boot as if attempting come in between the assailant and it's target, pulling back on the boot. The hand placed in such a way so it would appear as though it were reaching out for the words that hover in it's defence.

So what have I been up to you say?

Well it's been a pretty busy second year so far that's for sure what with having pets leave us, gaining new additions to the house and family engagements. But fear not there is plenty work in amongst all that don't you worry, so I guess this is the point where I make some additions to my work blog. Well here we go.

Guardian Editorial - The Squeeze
The first project we did this year was an image for an article in the guardian newspaper following the riots in London. The piece I call 'The Squeeze' represents politicians grabbing hold of London and pressing tight in hopes of gaining something positive. The oil which seeps out is the outcome of their methods which in turn leads to what is referred to in the article as "flammable streets" where any spark could cause social uprising as was seen in august. My tutor actually loved it, for once.