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Monday, April 11, 2011

The Research Book

So the research book for Digital Design Assignment one has been finished and handed in, I neglected to photocopy  my sketches so I'll have to wait till after the Easter holidays to get it back. I do however have my work in progress on the Empire Theatre.
Empire Tower Base
It's taken me near enough 2 solid hours to get this far, but that's an assumption because I did it other the course of a 6 hour day, so it may have been substantially shorter than that, I'm not the best time keeper.

Oh and I'm currently engaged in 2 projects at Uni, the other being the design of a full graphic novel based on the invention of *picks out of tutors hat* THE WORLD WIDE WEB! So I'll get some of my sketchbook work up on here soon such as character design, boy this will be entertaining to say the least.

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