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Monday, April 11, 2011

So begins University work

So not far into Uni we started our digital design module, not a great deal was expected from us as most had little or no experience. The main focus of the module was the introduction to Illustrator and Photoshop, now I am a long time user of Photoshop and instead of listening to the tutors step by step of 'how to make a new layer' I decided to do this.
Sir Upperdog
Next we were supposed to then mess around with Photoshop a bit then be taught a little on Illustrator, having nothing to do I went straight onto Illustrator and did this.
Ofcourse I had not seen the flaw in working fast as soon I was left with nothing to do . . . nothing except stare at facebook for another hour, which although easy to do leaves me feeling dead inside haha.

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