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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Impact of Inequality

Our latest project we are engaged in (excluding printmaking project two, in progress) is to design the cover for a book that is to be republished in the near future. It's title, wait for it, "The Impact of Inequality:How to make sick societies healthier". At first we weren't given the full title of the book (something usually gets left out till weeks later) so initially I drafted up this little image.
Needless to say, it's terrible, I soon realised it was far to cliché and so did many of my peers who were helpful enough to point out, also it's generally displeasing to the eye. But do not fret I had a far greater idea following a warm up project we were issued to do with illustrating the NATO phonetic alphabet.

Original Sketch

Messing around

Final Image
This I find fits perfectly with what the book is all about, as it explains how lower classes suffer due to upper and middle readily 'excluding' them from society and how it creates what's known as the social gap (I haven't read it myself but did look into a few synopsis'). The back cover has been looking bare however so I also threw this little piece together just to tuck into the corner and add some colour.

Back Cover
After some filtering, burning and colour alteration I added it to the document in InDesign and finished what I think may well be the final piece that I will hand in.

Final Piece

Amy Johnson

A renowned female pilot/engineer who broke many world records such as fastest flight times. For printmaking project one we were given a list of famous people from Nelson Mandela to Amy Winehouse, and given the task of choosing one, researching their life and creating a 2 colour print representing their character, ideals and any significant events. 
Stencil of Print
I designed this using Photoshop to print out and trace to acetate and then transfer to a silk screen using light sensitive emulsion. I have no final prints to upload as of yet but they have been produced and will be added to the post when scanned in.
Plane - Named Jason by herself, every plane that followed was also called Jason
Ring - Was proposed to mid flight by a fellow co pilot after having only first met less than 8 hours earlier
Wrench - For her remarkable engineering skills at a young age

What happened next?

The second project, following the running theme of inequality and social injustice, the class gap and the general concept of 'being labelled scum in Britain' (there's alot of this occurs this term), we each were told to produce a poster based off a quote from David Cameron.
"Let me be clear"
My idea behind this poster was to incorporate as much British imagery as possible, so as to send the message "It concerns you if you are in this country". As this was a poster design in favour of human rights I chose to use a boot signifying someone trying to 'stamp out' the rights of another. The tape wrapping around the boot as if attempting come in between the assailant and it's target, pulling back on the boot. The hand placed in such a way so it would appear as though it were reaching out for the words that hover in it's defence.

So what have I been up to you say?

Well it's been a pretty busy second year so far that's for sure what with having pets leave us, gaining new additions to the house and family engagements. But fear not there is plenty work in amongst all that don't you worry, so I guess this is the point where I make some additions to my work blog. Well here we go.

Guardian Editorial - The Squeeze
The first project we did this year was an image for an article in the guardian newspaper following the riots in London. The piece I call 'The Squeeze' represents politicians grabbing hold of London and pressing tight in hopes of gaining something positive. The oil which seeps out is the outcome of their methods which in turn leads to what is referred to in the article as "flammable streets" where any spark could cause social uprising as was seen in august. My tutor actually loved it, for once.

Monday, August 01, 2011

Trip to Whitby

Went to visit Whitby today to look round the shops and it was scorching hot. Thought it a good idea to walk up the abbey steps, which I soon realised was a terrible choice in activity. I would have loved to have bought some goggles or a new spacer but was lacking appropriate funding (dam students). I did however notice an awesome T shirt design whose designer I can't remember but I did draw part of the image that I liked. I didn't see any seals . . .

Tough Cookie

Apologies, here's an update

This is a very very overdue blog update, just over 2 months since my last post, so ill quickly sum up how life's been since my last projects. First off, I've passed my first year of Illustration and Design! However they lost my marks for a presentation I did for the class and so originally stated I was missing work and failed, luckily that's been sorted thanks to some hounding. Second, I have done very little work since, infact I have not wanted to do any art till now because frankly I felt a little sick of it but I've decided that I've lounged for long enough and have begun drawing again. Today I had practice with inks for the first time since my book cover project very early in the year and im glad to say I found it incredibly enjoyable, especially when a few friends were showing interest and keeping up with my progress. Im going to try and make a new piece, or just practice a bit of drawing every 2 days or so if time allows for it. So anyway here's what I did today for you all to have a look at.  

I originally planned on a clean blade and blood spewing
round pouring over the skull to bend reality a bit

Friday, May 27, 2011

Just as I promised heres some of the sketches from my sketchbook for Assignment One. As for my other projects, the graphic novel is coming underway, I am close to finishing having printed draft copies of the final design, I am just unsure as to whether I want to colour my images or not, Assignment Two I have made up a brief sketchbook with some basic ideas but until the graphic novel is finished I will be benching the character design for now.

Ink and Pen observations

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Assignment Two

Digital Design Assignment One has been handed in successfully as of last Friday, this Friday is the deadline for the Assignment two research book. Assignment two is character design based upon either a piece of literature, sonnet or lyric, I have opted for lyrics and chosen the song "To Holmgard and Beyond - Turisas". The aim is to have around 4 - 8 designs done by the final deadline so I better get started with some drafts.

Far beyond the sea and distant lands
Came men with thirty ships
Had wanted to reach the Neva by night
But the weather was not on their side

And as the wind grew stronger and stronger
The rain ran down our cheeks
The bow was turned towards Gardar
The sail flew up again

That's where the winds will us guide
For fame and for gold
Set sail for those lands unknown

Osmo and Dalk, Kyy, Kokko and Ulf
Were glad to be off the oars
Turo had eaten too much again
Now hanging himself overboard

The Tostensson twins were excited as always
Adventure was their game
Myself, Hakon the Bastard
was out to find my name

Holmgard and beyond
That's where the winds will us guide
For fame and for gold
Set sail for those lands unknown

Who is "I" without a past?
A river without a source?
An event without a cause?

Threads of different lengths
Some longer, some shorter
So many of them spun together

The crones keep on weaving
The algorithm of our lives
Cause and effect, the fates of men

We know the way to Aldeigju
Upstream the river Alode
You take us to the portage
And further [South]

Long is the way to the unknown
Long are the rivers in the East
Far lies the land that Ingvar
And his men desire to reach

Many dangers lie ahead
Some of us may never return
Rather sold as a slave to the Saracens
Than chained to your bed, chained by your life!

Holmgard and beyond
That's where the winds will us guide
For fame and for gold
Set sail for those lands unknown

Friday, May 06, 2011

Photoshop Empire - Final Design

After having a lengthy period of thought, with the same ideas coming and going, it suddenly hit me, what's more unreal than an entire fictional universe with its own races, laws of physics and elements! Thinking this way I decided to base the image on a game, after a couple of vague plans from the likes of Gears of War to Warcraft I finally settled with a choice. It may be obvious to many at first glance.
Shinra Empire
The game influencing the design is of course Final Fantasy 7, as can be seen by use of the Shinra Logo, Meteor and the Lifestream (which took the longest to do as the logo was converted to 3d which slowed down rendering times significantly). Both my final designs will be getting printed and handed in for marking later today, and because I finished them a day early I should by rights get an early leave tomorrow!
*In addition: I personally enjoy the lit bulbs across the tower

Thursday, May 05, 2011

Ai Empire - Final Image

As of about 15 mins ago I finished the final design of the Empire in Ai, next up is a Photoshop version following the title "make the impossible real" which I have interpreted as do whatever you want.
The Empire Theatre (Ai, May 2011, Lewis Ross)

Friday Deadline

Project one of my Digital Design elective is coming to a close and as such the Empire is approaching completion. As luck would have it I have found out my Photoshop image will be due in by the end of Friday also but that shouldn't be a problem as I am half way through colouring my Ai image and have the day tomorrow free (except for voting). Anyway here is the final design of the Empire Tower framework, and below it where I am up to with the Live paint. Now I am going to give it a rest for tonight as it is 2:08am and need to spend the whole day on this tomorrow.
The pen tool in all it's glory

Live Paint in process

Image being worked on

Sunday, May 01, 2011

It's getting there . . .

Just a quick update of the work in progress, I've been spending a couple hours a day on it for most of the week with the inevitable distraction at fixed intervals, but I am proud to say the frame work is nearing it's completion. Once it has been drawn out it will simply be a case of filling the spaces with colour using the eyedropper tool (hopefully) and perhaps reduce the stroke lines to 0pts width. If all goes well I'll have an impressive final piece to hand in on the upcoming Friday.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

One week to go

Benn enjoying easter time off Uni a little too much perhaps, as I have neglected doing any work until recently :s But fear not I am on my way to finishing my Digital Design project which I believe is in for next friday, my only issue I think is going to be colouring using the live paint tool in Ai.
The Empire so far (look at previous blog entry for image being worked on)
In other news I have been playing some of the Gears of War 3 Beta with my group and have to say it is looking to surpass previous Gears titles by far when it comes to multiplayer. The level designs, though small, are well planned out and weapon placement is in no way biased which means those 'trick shooters' with the longshot will be nothing to fear once more. There is however a problem with players who like to sit tight in a huddle waiting for a power weapon such as the 'One shot' to spawn which leaves human counter parts across the world spamming their gamepads furiously. Needless to say it is fun when you win.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

You've got to go deeper

Taking a break from design work - sort of. Today's post is all about MINECRAFT! Recently I bought some Magenta/Green glasses to take advantage of it's 3d anaglyph mode and it was awesome to put it frankly, I even built myself a mini castle just to test it out. Not the best thing out there, but it's not like I spend every waking moment on it.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Swords, swords, swords

Been playing around with Lightwave some more, this time with some texture packs a friend gave me so I can get the hang of UV mapping and applying them to the model. So far it's been a success, they don't look fantastic but then again these textures weren't designed for the model I whipped up. I'm looking forward to designing some of my own work to create models of but for now I'd like to take babysteps so I don't miss something important.

This model has far fewer points and polygons attached as I took out that which was unnecessary such as all the innards, kind of like gutting a fish.
EDIT*: I just figured out how to increase the resolution of the texture >.<  So now it looks better atleast. Also colours don't match because I inverted the texture in places.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

New Project?

I'm really loving this blog as some potential good fortune has come my way, although I can't really mention what it is. Although I can say it has me interested in Adobe Fireworks and Lightwave, as such I was playing around yesterday evening with some basic polygon construction and managed to build myself a nifty little blade. 
Ofcourse this would need alot of work done to it, reducing the number of points, applying textures, finer details etc. But if I stick at it a bit more I'm sure that I'll be able to develop some brilliant models.

Monday, April 11, 2011

The Research Book

So the research book for Digital Design Assignment one has been finished and handed in, I neglected to photocopy  my sketches so I'll have to wait till after the Easter holidays to get it back. I do however have my work in progress on the Empire Theatre.
Empire Tower Base
It's taken me near enough 2 solid hours to get this far, but that's an assumption because I did it other the course of a 6 hour day, so it may have been substantially shorter than that, I'm not the best time keeper.

Oh and I'm currently engaged in 2 projects at Uni, the other being the design of a full graphic novel based on the invention of *picks out of tutors hat* THE WORLD WIDE WEB! So I'll get some of my sketchbook work up on here soon such as character design, boy this will be entertaining to say the least.